Monday, December 12, 2011

Surf Art: How I got started, reasons for doing it and samples of my work

Aside from surfing, I have a small interest in art.  I am no Van Gogh, but it is something that I enjoy.  Since I got my first surfboard when I was 10, I always liked to make it look cool, whether it was stickers or a drawing on it (that came off as soon as I got in the water and frustrated me beyond belief).  But as the years went on, I got a little better at designing the art on my boards.  Only having two boards, I am limited to the amount of art I can put on my own, so as a side hobby, I try and paint and draw on friends boards.  I am always drawing up new designs to put on boards hoping that I can get another board soon to draw on.  My first piece of work was on my first board that my mom got me as a grom.  It is still my favorite board today.  She passed away two years ago from breast cancer.  I immediately wanted to do something in honor of her.  I thought long and hard for something to do and came up with a saying to put on the bottom; I came up with "C'mon Chicks Check Ya Tits".  This was before I ever heard of Julian Wilson (a surfer who did something similar to his board in honor of his mother).  I painted it on there with UniPosca pens I ordered from Drew Brophy's website (who I always look to for inspiration on art).  When it was done I was stoked, it was emotional to me because it was her who got me started with surfing and it was one of the only ways I could do something for her.  On my first trip to Costa Rica, where I debuted this board, on my first walk to the beach, people came up to me and complemented me on my board and asked what the reason for doing it was.  After my trip, and talking with a handful of people, I realized that I potentially have something here.  Idea's rushed through my head of where I could go with this message (That I will talk about at a later time).  From this board, I went on to do my other board.  I went with a more radical design that I drew up.  I sent it to Drew Brophy himself and was complemented on it.  A friend of mine, Mike D'Olio asked me to draw something up and paint his board, which I did.  I am having so much fun doing this as an escape from the real world; its great to just be able to hang outside and paint a surfboard for you or someone else.  So here are some samples of my work on both surfboards and paper, as well as some designs I have drawn up.  If you would like me to do something for your board, feel free to contact me through Worn Trails Facebook page, Just "Like" it in the top left corner of the website!

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