Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years Everyone

Worn Trails would like to wish you all a Happy and Safe 2012.  The past few months have been crazy for me and this blog.  I wasn't expecting this to go anywhere, just a few posts here and there.  Thanks to all of you, Worn Trails has BLOWN UP; 1700+ views, viewed in every continent, pro surfers telling people about it, a tweet from a person who I look up to, Kelly Slater, saying that Worn Trails is great and that he told everyone to check it out.  Im still blown away by that last one.  Nonetheless, to each and every one of you who check out Worn Trails, whether it be daily, weekly, or just once, have made this very enjoyable to me.  It is safe to say that due to the success of Worn Trails, I landed an internship with the Surfrider Foundation's DC chapter.

2011 overall was a great year for me but the end of the year was more than I ever expected.  Carrying this momentum into 2012 is what I look forward too.

Here are my New Years Resolutions:
1.  Watch Worn Trails Continue to grow and become more successful
2.  Keep good grades at school
3.  Be successful with my internship at Surfrider
4.  Stay healthy, strong and focused
5.  Help contribute to the success of UMD Ice Hockey
6.  Help Others!

This is a short list of the 100 things that I want to do this year.  I feel that the last one "Help Others" should be on each and every one of your resolution lists this year.

Lets keep Worn Trails on the successful path it is on this coming year.  I plan to have special promotions, possible events, and new information regarding a Foundation that I want to start up and would love to get help from all of you on it.  Also, tee shirts and apparel are on my list!  Many things but all are doable and can be done with the help of you all.

Until next time, stay safe tonight and have high aspirations for 2012, don't be afraid to do something outside of your comfort zone, grab life by the balls and be successful in whatever you do.


  1. Inspiring, hope 2012 can continue with the great quality of articals that we have already seen
