Monday, February 6, 2017

Worn Trails is Back

It has been a while since I wrote my last post and a lot has happened in that period of time. I am now living in Oregon going to Lewis & Clark Law School. I worked for Reuters News Agency and Earthjustice this past summer working on a ton of environmental issues and getting experience in environmental journalism, politics, and lobbying.

Now a semester through law school, I am eager to get back to writing for this site. I decided to restructure the website and change its look. I have also come up with a ton of new material for everyone. I have big plans for this site and I need your help to get there. Please share this website, subscribe, and follow the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr pages--all of which can be found at the tabs on the left of the page. 

I run this website for you, the readers. The material that I have lined up is new to Worn Trails and I know you will enjoy all of it. I look forward to sharing my experiences from over the past year, and going forward. 

Keep on living.