Friday, June 15, 2012

Reader Response: Summer Boards

This response came from a New Jersey local, Gabe Dunn:

"Almost bought exact board you bought but headed to margate for the 5'6.  Posca pen art added for some flare.  Fun board to ride in good conditions 3-5ft. Never rode it in 1-2 yet but summer is here so I am sure it won't be long. Enjoy your new ride. "

Thanks for the response Gabe.  Kind of ironic, but I almost bought your board - I went with the 5'8" which is a little easier for me to catch waves on, but I wanted the 5'6" which is better for turns and maneuvers.  Great minds think alike though.  Great spray on it.  Posca pens are awesome, thats what I use on my boards.  I went out on Tuesday in some 1-2 foot storm chop and although it would be tough to catch anything in that surf on any board, I did catch a few fun quick rides.  I'm looking forward to getting out on it in some clean 1-2 foot surf to put Mayhem's words to the test.  Enjoy your Motivator and I'm sure I'll see you out in the water.  If you get any pictures or videos of you on it, feel free to send them my way!

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