Wednesday, June 20, 2012

International Surfing Day

Happy International Surfing Day! The second best day of the year next to your birthday.

Formed by the Surfrider Foundation, ISD is a day to celebrate not only the sport of surfing, but to also celebrate environmentalism and the health of our coastal ecosystems. As a former intern of this organization, the passion and love for the environment, and surfing, flows through the veins of every single employee and volunteer.

We must remember that it is nature who gives us the ability to slide a board down these playful walls of water. Many of us take this for granted when we should be embracing nature and showing the love we have for her back!

I unfortunately cannot participate on this celebratory day, but I got my surfing in earlier this week to make up for my absence in the lineup today. I hope you all enjoy your day out in the water whether you are surfing a lake (literally and metaphorically), fun waves, or pumping waves somewhere around the world. Surfing is surfing. But do not forget to give back to nature a little by cleaning up trash that you may find in the water or on the beach. Remember, a clean beach is a healthy beach!

Send pictures of yourself surfing to my email if you have any after today. I will post a whole International Surfing Day photo album once I get some pictures.

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Have a great day and spread the word about Worn Trails to other surfers/environmentalists who you feel may like the material that you like!

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